Saturday, January 31, 2009

HUG your spouse!

We learned yesterday that a dear friend lost her husband while he was sleeping. It wasn't some tragic accident. He went to sleep with her in their bed and never woke up.

This is a moment to reflect on your husband. They do things that annoy us whether they intend to or not. They leave the toilet seat up. They leave glass or plastic bottles in the kitchen when the walk to the recycling bin was closer. They don't buy us flowers. Or they don't fulfill the honey do list. But they are here and they love us. And we should love him. (sorry for the pronoun disagreement going on here!)

We are on the Dave Ramsey plan to debt freedom and this crossed my path:

Now this may just depress you. To prepare what folks will need to do in the event of your death. It may seem morbid, or icky--but it is just something that NEEDS to be done. What better inheritence to leave to your family than the peace of your instructions letting them know exactly where everything is and what to do with it.

A good friend of mine--the best friend of the one who lost her husband--had to walk her through this process. But her husband had everything set up so that my good friend only had to serve as the eyes and ears as the dear friend experienced her grief. It seems everything went smoothly as can be expected at such a heart wrenching time.

Consider doing this for your family.

I will admit we do not have this done, but I will be discussing with Celery about getting this in place as soon as possible.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I found your blog through our Freecycle group. I'm a local as well and wanted to tell you that we're HUGE fans of Dave Ramsey! :)
