Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dear Mom, Love Rutabaga

Dear Mom,

Can I please have a ferret (sic).

Love, your responsable dahter (double sic) Rutabaga

P.S. How do you spell ferret. (sic)


Dear Rutabaga,

I'm not sure how to spell ferret. We definitely cannot get a ferrit (sic--oops). They are stinky :(. Even if the pet store says they are not.

Love, mommy

Dear Mommy,

I will clean the ferrit's (sic) cage evry (sic) morning when I wake up. p.s. I will wake up at 5 am and go to bed at 8 pm.

Love, your very reasponsible dahter (sic) Rutabaga <3 (she included a heart--this is how we type a heart on the internet)


Dear Rutabaga,

I'm sure you would take excellent care of them just like your bunnies. But you never wake up on time.

love, mommy

p.s. Ferrets still smell.

Commentary: I am tickled pink by their letter campaign to increase our pet load in our modest home on all of .23 acres. It is the first time they did this. However, we are met with daily requests for pets of various kinds. Just on Monday (I think), they wanted to go see the homeless puppies at the pet store and the shelter. I guess the bunnies are just not cute enough.

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